Private Loan Lenders

Many lenders certify private loans using ELM. You can review ELM to browse and compare participating lenders. You are not required to borrow from any of these lenders.

KU also works with lenders who do not use ELM to certify loans. These additional lenders are below. You are not required to borrow from any lenders on this list.

Table containing information about private lenders that KU students have used over the last three years and that are not in ELM.
Lender NameEligible StudentsAt Least 1/2 TimeMeet SAPDegree SeekingParent Loan Option
Bank of North Dakota, DEALNorth Dakota residents only - Undergraduate, GraduateYesYesYesNo
EdvestinuUndergraduate, Graduate, InternationalYesNoNoNo
UW CUUndergraduate, Graduate, InternationalYesNoYesYes